It’s cats that are complicated. 🐈

People think that mathematics is complicated. Mathematics is the simple bit, it’s the stuff we CAN understand. It’s cats that are complicated. John Conway

As a network scientist, economist, and programmer, the defining factor in my academic and professional career is the study of complex systems.

I received my undergraduate degree in Economics from University College London (UCL); I worked for the UK government and have research experience at the World Bank and the Fields Institute in Toronto. I also helped develop a Knowledge Graph for NLP models at YUKKA Lab, a Berlin based start-up.

I am now delving deeper into the theoretical underpinnings and computational paradigms that make network and graph theory so powerful. I have started my PhD in Advanced Computing at Tsinghua University. I am under the supervision of Prof. Carlo V. Cannistraci at the Center for Complex Network Intelligence Center (CCNI) at the Tsinghua Laboratory of Brain and Intelligence (THIB). I will be working on novel network algorithms, analysing socio-economic networks and understand the complexity of the world around us through the power of computation.



I am also an Affiliate Researcher at the Wolfram Institute, where I write about Graphs, Ruliology and the Mathematica Language.

I’m always looking to meet interesting people that share my passion for networks, complexity and computation. Don’t hesitate to reach out!

I also have a soft spot for edible insects and novel food trends. Started my own mealworm farm and wrote about it for my bachelor’s thesis.

I am also still serving in the Swiss Army, as Grenadier - Breacher (Swiss Army Special Forces).

Otherwise, you might find me at a crossfit box or weightlifting gym, learning chinese or collecting pin’s.